When I take pictures of places, I feel like I understand them better.

Cities are strange. Nothing seems private. If you live your life, people will see you. In Atlanta, there are no parks to walk through and get lost in. There are street corners to sit on briefly, before you're approached eight times and asked for money.

Everywhere you go, it feels like you are on someone else's property and maybe you shouldn't be here.

Stopping on the sidewalk to take a picture or look through your bag, you worry you might get in someone's way.

And closed gates are everywhere. There are so many buildings and so many places you could maybe go into or explore, but it seems that 95% of everything is locked away, and that you're always on the outsides looking in.

But this is the place I am supposed to call home. I need to either get used to it or find a crack to stick my fingers into and eventually pry open a space large enough and natural enough for me to live.