Thursday, January 22, 2009

in case you ever wondered why I don't update that often

"Cara, what do you do in your free time?"

"Um, mostly sit in the dark and watch the elevators of the Hilton go up and down. I also listen to music and read occasionally. And text Bijan. When I get really excited, I make tiled wallpapers in Illustrator."

"That's not very exciting."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

(This conversation never actually took place.)


Anonymous said...

Hi, it is funny to see than you have the same title.
take a look to:


Anonymous said...

suck dick whore, QC RULEZ, i'm going to spam this across everything on you page just cause i can, bwahahaha, or not, you'll never know til you check

Rembo said...

OMG, I love elevators! And wallpapers! And wallpaper in elevators!
And gotta love 13-year olds abusing internet anonimity. Maybe he got lost on his way to YouTube. I'm flabbergasted by the lack of spelling errors though. Punctuation: not so much.